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Published: over 2 years ago

Neat. Sweet. Petite. Snaps to our Morticia Addams cocktail. Just like its namesake this beer cocktail is tall, dark, mysterious, and a little nuts. Revel in the dark beauty of a tall and slender flute of @nickelbrookbrewing Black Light Stout and Amaretto, topped off with a tiny black sword stabbed cherry. Cara Mia! 🖤 #SicGorgiamusAllosSubjectatosNunc #darlingIalwayswearblack #addamsfamily #addamsfamilyvalues #morticiaaddams #riseabovepizzeria #riseabovepizzaandwings #veganpizza #veganwings #vegansubs #veganpasta #hamont #hamonteats #pintsandpizza #hamontvegan #veganeats #supportlocalhamont #hamiltonsupportslocal


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